Depression Support

2184679453Depression has many causes.

The levels of depression a person may experience vary in degree of intensity based on several significant symptoms. Your symptoms, in combination, make this mental challenge far more than being “down in the dumps” or “in a funk.”

Depression is not something you can snap out of. If you are battling depression, you are likely experiencing an internal dialogue that keeps negative self-talk on a consistent loop.

These thoughts may be rooted in trauma, marital issues, social engagements or the lack thereof, genetics, or the environment.

Sometimes, substance use disorders or medications can influence the symptoms associated with depression.

Symptoms of depression make life difficult.

Changes in sleep patterns, eating habits, feelings of worthlessness, guilt, deep sadness, irritability, self-doubt, difficulty concentrating on tasks, an inability to make decisions, fatigue, or a general lack of motivation are relevant symptoms associated with depression.

It is not unheard of for people to feel angry or to express that they no longer want to live, which, if left unrecognized or untreated, can evolve into self-harming behaviors, suicidal thoughts, suicidal attempts, or unfortunate deaths.

An added complication is that your family and friends often misunderstand the behaviors they are seeing. If significant people in your life lack awareness of depressive symptoms, they could view you as lazy or not trying hard enough.

2184679453Therapy can help with recovery from depression.

Are you finding it difficult to explain what is happening to you internally? Let’s work together to find out the cause of your depression.

Talk therapy is a proven component in any effort to overcome depression. Let’s explore what person, place, or thing may prompt the thoughts, feelings, or responses that compound your depression.

Together, we can take the small, gradual steps needed to move toward change that can open the door to a brighter future for you.

Please contact ASAP Counseling and let our therapist enter into what may feel like complete darkness to you.