Premarital Counseling

1253888893Start building the right relationship before the wedding.

Premarital Counseling at ASAP Counseling is an excellent opportunity for couples who want to understand whether marriage is what is next or even best for them. Even if a couple envisions themselves in marital bliss, Premarital Counseling allows them to delve more deeply into their relationship.

As presented at ASAP Counseling, the concepts and considerations about marriage support traditional marriages based on Christian principles. The premarital or engagement phase is an excellent time to begin considering topics such as compromise, tone, and delivery in communication, using active listening, avoiding right fighting, and so many more experiences.

Often, couples find that they have encountered these matters throughout their relationship, especially during wedding planning.

How we will work…

ASAP Premarital Counseling utilizes biblical concepts, scriptural support for marriage, and many practical issues and challenging topics.

For example, are you in denial about certain aspects of your relationship or keeping secrets that may impact your partner? Have you neglected to share these things because you think it will be different once you’re married? As you visualize, hope for, or even prepare for your wedding day, preparing for your marriage is significantly more vital because marriage requires work – on YOU.

2086103662ASAP Counseling helps couples prepare for marriage.

We value creating a personal and private space for couples to process and receive guidance as they lay the foundation for their marriage. The questions we consider help prompt an open dialogue that will ideally continue throughout your marriage.

Gaining awareness about yourself and your partner is a journey of self-awareness that can begin developing a cohesive partnership that will endure throughout your marriage. Such a partnership allows for effective communication as you address many challenges together.

Seeking Premarital Counseling is an investment that is very likely to return benefits many times as you build your future together.

Before the wedding bells ring, contact us today and start planning for a marriage that will stand the test of time.